Simple Credit Repair For Beginners |

To boil it down to credit repair for beginners means taking a look at what it takes to get a good credit score. The first thing is time. The longer you have good standing accounts established, hold a job, and live in one place, the better your credit will be. If you don’t have credit yet, start out easy with a gas card or department store (Sears) card. Make sure you don’t over-do it. Just buy some small items and pay them off in full every month. One great tip is to get a credit card to pay all your bills. At the end of the month, pay off the card out of your checking account. You should still have the money if you’ve stuck to your budget.Stick to this policy and you’ll be able to clean up your credit over time. All negative items on your credit report will fall off with time. It may take 7 to 10 years, but time heals all wounds. Remember, the cardinal rule when it comes to credit repair for beginners is time.The second thing to remember is that nobody is perfect. What I mean by that is that the credit bureaus and collection agencies are run by people who get paid salary or hourly to do their jobs. They have families, cars, houses, lives that exist outside of sometimes making our lives difficult. They also make mistakes. The federal government regulates credit reporting agencies or bureaus and creditors and collection agencies. They do this to protect consumers like you and me. Uncle Sam has put rules and laws in place that protect us from predatory businesses who are looking for money.Understanding that nobody is perfect will cause you to be more alert about what is on your credit report. There is a good chance that there is stuff on there that shouldn’t be. Credit repair for beginners rule 2 is to watch for the inevitable mistakes that will come across your report. Fixing them will keep your score up.The third rule about credit repair for beginners is knowledge. Read the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act, and the Fair Debt Collections Practices (FDCP) Act. These are the laws that protect you from creditors, collection agencies and naughty credit reporting agencies. Know them and you can use them to protect your rights.For more specific tips and to learn about credit repair for beginners, check out my website.